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About HIDE
More (uncomprehendable) actual text written at the creation date:
To test how well HIDE works on your system, just run HIDE.EXE and then click Run in the Start menu. You will be surprised - the 'Browse' menu appears on top of the usual Run prompt.
Note: Both versions are now free and we do not create any scripts!Once you cancel, you will see that the 'OK' and 'Browse' buttons are disabled. This is just an example of what HIDE can do. There are 3 files in the HIDE distribution: HIDE.EXE - The HIDE application HIDE.CFG - The configuration script README.TXT - This information file You will only need to edit the script file. At the moment it contains instructions for the 'Run' prompt (see above example) Before you start, back up this file to a safe place so it can be restored later. Then in a text editor (Like NOTEPAD), create a new blank file in its place with the same filename as the file you backed up (HIDE.CFG). You should now have your text editor open, so type the following three lines in and save the file: &_TARGET_APPLICATION_=Calculator Calculator=W_DESTROY 2 Title=0. Now run HIDE.EXE, followed by 'Calculator' from the Start->Programs->Accessories menu. You should find that the calculator display window has disappeared (Cool!). The lines you typed in look weird but really they are very simple. &_TARGET_APPLICATION_=Calculator Means that HIDE.EXE should wait for a window with the word 'Calculator' in the title bar. You can see this when you run Calculator in the top left corner of the window. Calculator=W_DESTROY 2 Means that once the window with the title 'Calculator' appears, The window with the title which appears on line 2 should be destroyed (made to disappear). Title=0. Is line number 2 if you count the lines from zero, e.g. 0 &_TARGET_APPLICATION_=Calculator 1 Calculator=W_DESTROY 2 2 Title=0. Line 2 specifies the title of the window that should be destroyed (if you run Calculator, you will see that the display shows '0.' by default). Easy, wasn't that? Come on, it WASN'T THAT DIFFICULT! You can change the script again by opening HIDE.CFG in your text editor. This is basically how the script works and that's all there is to it, although there are many more commands than just those that destroy and disable windows. You can find a full list of commands in the backed up HIDE.CFG file, where you can find some very impressive advanced commands. If you do not wish to create your own scripts, we can do it for you! You can just pay separately for each script you require. SCRIPT COMMANDS // 2 Stars (**) means this command is only availible in the full version. // Remember: The first line in the config file is line // number zero, not one! NOTHING = Ignore all other actions on the same line, use for debugging //e.g. The following line will do nothing: WindowTitle=KEY 19+19,NOTHING EXIT = End running hide.exe, but leave target program running //e.g. To exit HIDE when a window appears use: WindowTitle=EXIT KEY [num]+[num]... = Press keyboard keys (virtual codes) in order specified to main window // e.g. To press tab in a window use: WindowTitle=KEY 19 S_CLICK = Click self window (this object) S_DESTROY = Destroy self window (this object) S_DISABLE = Disable self window (this object) S_ENABLE = Enable self window (this object) // e.g. To click a button, use: ButtonText=S_CLICK W_CLICK [refline]+[refline]... = Press another child window identified by [refline] in this file W_DESTROY [refline]+[refline]... = Destroy another child window identified by [refline] in this file W_DISABLE [refline]+[refline]... = Disables windows identified by [refline] W_ENABLE [refline]+[refline]... = Enables windows identified by [refline] // e.g. To click a different window when a window appears use: // Window1Title=W_CLICK [line number of next line] // =Window2Title EXECUTE [path] = Executes external application file identified by string [path] // e.g. To run command.com when a window appears use: WindowTitle=EXECUTE C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/COMMAND.CO // ADVANCED CONTROLS (For experts): // HIDE.CFG is loaded when HIDE starts up. // The config entries in memory can be modified. // This allows logic loops to be used DELENTRY [linenumber]+[linenumber]... = Ignore a config entry [linenumber] is a number of the line in this file SETENTRY [linenumber1]:[linenumber2] = Set a config entry //e.g. To disable a window and then enable it use: // WindowTitle=S_DISABLE,SETENRTY [next line number]:[empty line number],DELENTRY [this line number] // WindowTitle=S_ENABLE,DELENTRY [this line number] //Because otherwise, the button will just flash on and off! This garbage is also available in the readme and configuration files. |